Sunday, October 17, 2010

Who is responsible?

Car has become one of the most necessary needs in our life.Also, without it we can not travel anywhere.In these days the meaning of car has changed in the minds of many young people.In the point of view of young people it has become only for entertainment and fun.Therefore,a high precentage of death happens ,because of accidents especially among young people.Most people have become a fraid of going to street or driving ,because of this.Also,they do not go out except in the case of absolute necessity.
So,who is responsible for what is happening on streets?
What is the role of media aimed to educate young people?
There are many question that i wish to answer.
What is the reasons for choosing this subject? Because, I noticed that we can not be silent about this situation and the topic is very important.
What is my hope about accidents? I hope that young people understand value of their lives.