Saturday, December 25, 2010



Cell phones have great benefits in humans lives, especially the Blackberry. It unfiltered into the Arab community and can be found in the pocket of almost every person. The Blackberry has several bad consequences especially for children.
The first reason is that all internet sites are open, so children can see anything they want without censorship. For example, some of these open sites definitely contain bad objects from which children take impoliteness. Consequently, the whole society is negatively affected because children are the most important members of the society.
The second reason is that there is no social interaction among family members. Blackberry users do not feel the time pass by, because they spend most of their time chatting with their friends. As a consequence, it reduces the relationship with the family and the society. Moreover, children will not know the foundation of dealing and interacting with people outside their home. Furthermore, they will lose most of their abilities and creativity.

In short, the BlackBerry should not be allowed for children. Also, the role and awareness of parents is very important in this issue and many other things that pose a threat to children.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Qatar's Education in present

After the first drops of petrol emerged in Qatar, people were seeking change in education. In addition, the development and renovation became better in many areas. The most important development in the renaissance of Qatar is in the field of education. Also, as a result of this growth many educational institutions developed such as schools and prestigious universities. The current educational institutions have become equipped with new technology. It is no secret to anyone that the role of the media and educational activities is to encourage and promote a desire to become educated.

Education in the present is spread out in all the cities of Qatar. Education in Qatar today is quite different from the past. The education is developed to an unexpected degree. Education in Qatar is competing with the developed countries. This is a result of this growth and change in the path of education.

Past Education in Qatar

Education is important for the learner and the basis of progress. Also, it is the door to knowledge. Education fights against ignorance and raises the status of society and the country. Participation in education helps shape people’s lives through working and learning to serve the country and the people.

Education in the past was very simple and primitive. No one can deny the difficulty of life in Qatar about fifty years ago and the impact it had on education. Methods and means of education in the past were poor. Education in the past was based on the love of the person to learn. The parents in the past did not focus on education for their children. They believed that life is the real educator. Also, the encouragement from the parents was very low. In addition, in the past there were few educational institutions and organizations. For example, the few schools and colleges did not create a good atmosphere and they lacked good technology. Education rose among a few groups of people in the society. The schools in the past were a very limited number, had few possibilities and they lacked teaching staff. In addition to that, the schools were built of mud and got shades from the palm trees. As a result village people were not so are enthusiastic about education. Furthermore, they did not have motivation to learn. People faced many difficulties in education, but their minds were open and capable of good thinking and acting.

learning English

Learning English is very important in our life especially these days because it is becoming a worldwide language. Moreover, learning English is necessary due to the rapid changes in the world. There are many reasons to learn English.
One of the most important reasons is that it is an easy language and there are many people who love and enjoy learning English. Therefore, you can see many institutes that teach and people who want to learn English. The reason for this is that English is available in all aspects of life. For example, English has become the language of science and education. This point has a big impact for students to learn English so; they can continue their university education.

One of the biggest reasons to learn English is because people have to get a good job and live the most luxurious and enjoyable life. For example, many international and local companies require the employee they ability to speak English fluently. Moreover, English has spread so quickly in most of the countries of the world.
In conclusion, learning English has become one of the requirements of the twenty first-century because the frequent use and circulation among the people. It considered the language of the new era. In my opinion I think the learning English is very important specifically, at this time since because, it has become a universal language and many subject and fields are based on the English language.

punishing children

Punishing children
Children are the hope of life and the candle of the future. Good ways to raise children are based on dialogue, discussion without violence and punishment. Punishment should not be used with children because it is very wrong and does not reach a positive result.
Main reason parent use punishment is because their children disobey them. However, this method does not produce good and constructive children. Due to punishment, the child does not feel sincere love from parents; this feeling may cause the child to suffer severe mental illness in his life. Moreover, using violence and cruelty on a daily basis makes children more aggressive and stubborn. In addition, it is no secret to anyone that the effects of violence may appear while children are sleeping. For example, the children have a lot of the nightmares and they see ghosts in their dreams.
Finally, in my opinion I believe that dialogue and understanding are the best solutions to many problems. Also negative style of the punishment and the power do not reach to positive side. That way, children will not be negatively affected by punishment.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Qatar 2022
Congratulation Qatar
After winning the 2022 bid, the nation of Qatar was in huge celebration. Qatar flags were raised high and each person expressed their joy in many different ways. Qatar turned dreams into reality and proved to the whole world it’s power. Moreover, Qatar’s victory was a gift to the world especially to the Arab and Islamic countries. Qatar is the first Arab states to host a huge event. Qatar message to the world is that Qatar is able to do the impossible thing. Finally, Qatar set a mark in history and emerged its place a among all the developed countries. Today is a day of joy and victory; tomorrow is a day of serious work in order to become the best host for the world cup in the land of Arabs.

Qatar 2022

Monday, December 6, 2010

Effect of early marriage

Early marriage is practiced in many countries around the world. It is based on the traditional and cultures of the people in these countries. The two main significant effects of early marriage are social problems and education problems.

The social problem is the most significant problem caused by early marriage. For example, the rate of divorce causes is higher among teenagers who marry early than it is in middle-aged people. When a case of divorce takes place, it means that a family with its children is destroyed. As a result, the situation of the children whose family is destroyed by the storm of divorce becomes worrying and sad as days pass it get worse. In addition the relationship of the couple stops, because they do not visit each other due to the hated caused by divorce.

The educational problem is the second negative effect of early marriage. When teenager couples involve in early marriage, they will put the family responsibilities before all other responsibilities. They will consider family apriority even on the expense of their education. For example, care of children makes them stop studying, such that work is another obstacle in front of the completion of the learning process.

In my opinion, I believe that the best age to get married is middle-aged between 20 to 25, which is considered middle aged.